Objectively Speaking | The Young Collectors

Vprm Young Collectors Boy

Calling all young collectors! 

Museums love talking about the stories of objects, and the Peoria Riverfront Museum is reaching out to kids and teens in primary, middle and high school. Send us a short video sharing your favorite object – a cool rock or fossil, a family memento, a cherished book or toy, artwork on your bedroom wall - anything that has special meaning to you. We are excited to hear your stories and share them on our social media platforms:  >Facebook, >Instagram and >YouTube.

To participate, simply record a 2 to 4 minute video (horizontal format preferred) of yourself talking about your favorite object and post on your social media with the hashtag #prmyoungcollectors and remember to tag the Peoria Riverfront Museum's page in the post. Tagging the Peoria Riverfront Museum will allow the Museum to share and see your videos.

Don't have a social media platform, but want to participate? Send video to nosaurus@peoriariverfrontmuseum.org for the Museum to post on our social media platforms.

Be sure to include:

  1. Name (first name only, no last names please)
  2. Age (optional)
  3. Hometown (optional)
  4. Name of object
  5. Why your object has meaning to you/what is your object's story 

Some questions to keep in mind while creating your video, if applicable:

  • Object description: What is this object? What does it look like? What colors does the object have? What shape is it?
  • Object history: Where did you get this object? How long have you had it? Who gave it to you? How did you receive this object?
  • Personal feelings about object: What does this object mean to you? Is there a memory you’d like to share about this object?
  • History connection: Why is this object historically relevant? Why would this object be important to people in the future? What would they learn about you? What would they learn about the world you lived in? 

Videos may be edited for length.