
  • Music of the Spheres: An Evening in the Dome Planetarium

    (General - Friday, February 14, 2025)

    Domecast Vday Wb V2

    Music of the Spheres: An Evening in the Dome Planetarium

    February 14, 2025 | 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. | In the Dome Planetarium

    Enjoy an evening of music and astronomy in the Dome Planetarium. Using our advanced planetarium software, we will be streaming live music from internationally recognized violinist Itamar Zorman. Itamar Zorman’s solo performance will take place in Alabama, but the audio and accompanying visuals will be streamed live to Peoria! Enjoy works of Johann Sebastian Bach, Eugene Ysaye, Philip Glass, and Missy Mazzoli accompanied by stunning visuals on the planetarium dome. Visuals of stellar birth, supernovae, black holes, and more will correspond closely to the music, creating an otherworldly unity of sights and sounds to explore the connections between music and space in the planetarium.

    The winner of the 2011 Tchaikovsky International Violin Competition and the recipient of the 2014 Borletti-Buitoni Award and the 2013 Avery Fisher Career Grant, Zorman has performed around the world and is on the faculty at the Eastman School of Music.

    This event is put on in partnership with the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.

    6:30 - Doors Open
    7:00 - Domecast Musical Event Starts

    Tickets include one beverage (beer, wine, seltzer, or soft drink), and a package of custom created macrons.
    $25 Members / $30 Non Members

    Buy your tickets here.

    Domecast Vday Wb V2
  • Merit Badge University with the W.D. Boyce Council, Scouting America

    (General - Saturday, February 15, 2025)

    Boy Scouts Wb (1)


    February 15, 2025 | 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. 

    Take advantage of an exciting partnership between the W. D. Boyce Council, the Peoria Riverfront Museum, the Caterpillar Visitor Center and Museum, and other downtown Peoria venues. In this afternoon-only event, Scouts can earn one of a wide range of merit badges, some not commonly offered, but made available here thanks to the resources and expertise of our hosts!

    Scouts can register and attend individually, but units are encouraged to travel together. Field ("Class A") uniforms are preferred so you can show how your Scout spirit "Plays in Peoria!"

    Register for Merit Badge University 

    Event Times:

    Noon - 12:30 p.m.. |  Check-in (Main Lobby - Peoria Riverfront Museum)

    12:30 p.m.  - 1:00 p.m. | Opening  (Giant Screen Theater - Peoria Riverfront Museum)

    1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Merit Badge Classes - Various Downtown Locations

    4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Peoria Riverfront Museum Open for Scouts

    5:00 p.m. |  Peoria Riverfront Museum Closes

    Merit Badges Offered:

    Art Genealogy
    Astronomy Insect Study
    Backpacking Inventing
    Chess Law
    Citizenship in the Community Model Design & Building
    Citizenship in the Nation Scouting Heritage
    Citizenship in the World Textiles

    Boy Scouts Wb (1)
  • Engineering Day 2025

    (General - Sunday, February 16, 2025)

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    Sunday, February 16, 2025 | Noon - 5 p.m.

    Future engineers, scientists, and kids of all ages are invited to Engineering Day 2025 at the Peoria Riverfront Museum. Exciting and engaging engineering activities will be provided throughout the museum by local engineering groups, who are also sponsoring general admission for this free day at the museum! All exhibitions, daytime planetarium shows and activities are free and open to the public.

    The Caterpillar Visitors Center will also be open, free to the public, and will be hosting numerous engineering activities. 

    Embark on an exciting adventure at the Peoria Riverfront Museum and Caterpillar Visitors Center for a day of hands-on activities and competitions presented by local engineering groups. Thanks to our sponsors, the annual Engineering Day event is free!

    Aligning with Engineers Week 2025, the theme, "Designing our Future," highlights current engineering achievements and the diverse, promising future of the field.

    Engineers Week is more than a celebration; it's a tribute to the creativity and dedication of the individual contributions that are shaping the world. Explore DiscoverE's resources for hands-on activities and insights into engineering education and careers.


    Enhance your Engineering Day experience and learn more about the Peoria Riverfront Museum and Caterpillar Visitors Center by participating in the scavenger hunt. Submit your hunt guide at the end of the day and qualify for a cool prize! Guides will be available at the entrances.

    Thank you to our title sponsor Caterpillar. Additional sponsorship by local engineering firms and groups.


    1:30 pm | Giant Screen Theater

    Stop in at the Giant Screen Theater to see the Bridge Bust Competition and cheer on local students!



    Caterpillar Visitors Center

    American Society of Civil Engineers



    Code Ninjas


    Fast But Not Furious FTC Team

    Foxbots FLL Team

    H.E.R.O. High Energy Robotics + Outreach

    ICC Engineering


    iSTEAM Studio

    ISU Center for Mathematics, Society, and Technology

    Jump Simulation at OSF Innovation


    River City Labs

    Robot Casserole FRC Team

    Society of Women Engineers – Central Illinois

    University of Illinois – 4-H

    Sponsored by Caterpillar, Merle and Adeline Dargel Fund for Science and Engineering, local engineering firms and groups and Visionary Society.

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  • Senior Morning: February 2025

    (General - Wednesday, February 19, 2025)

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    Third Wednesday of Each Month

    10:00 a.m. Coffee and Pastries | 10:30 a.m. Discussion

    Gilmore Auditorium 


    Please join us for Senior Day on the third Wednesday of each month where members and seniors 60+ can enjoy all exhibitions and daytime planetarium shows for free.


    February 19, 2025 - Glenn Ligon: I Am Somebody with John Heintzman
    Join artist and collector John Heintzman on a presentation about the monumental artist Glenn Ligon in the Gilmore Auditorium.

    March 19, 2025 - BUILT: American Custom Car Culture with assistant curator Everley Davis
    Come listen to assistant curator and community engagement curator Everley Davis discuss our newest exhibition.

    NOTE: Registration is not necessary but groups are encouraged to call ahead so that we will be prepared. Senior groups, please contact Assistant Director of Education, Sadie Helmick, 309-863-3016

    Sponsored by Peoria Falcon Circle, Visionary Society

    Senior Days 3000
  • Laser Light Nights | Elton John, 80s, Floyd: The Wall

    (General - Friday, February 21, 2025)

    Dome Laser Lights Generic Wb (2)

    Laser Light Nights are back at the DOME featuring an all-new 3D experience & fresh playlist!

    Sit back, relax and rock out with our new laser light system from "the worldwide leader in planetarium laser light shows," Laser Fantasy! Experience the full 3D excitement! The system features a graphics laser projector with special effects, a haze machine & a new beam projector, plus a fresh playlist of 20+ performances, from Beyoncé to The Beatles! Pick up show-enhancing spectrum glasses and refreshments at concessions!

    February 21, 2025
    6:00 – Laser Elton John
    7:15 – That’s 80s Laser Show (new show!)
    8:30 – Laser Floyd: The Wall

    March 14, 2025
    6:00 – Laser Beatles
    7:15 – Laser Michael Jackson
    8:30 – Laser Daft Punk

    $7 Members | $10 Public

    Buy tickets online here.
    Tickets & more info also available at the Museum or by phone at 309.686.7000.

    (Note: These shows contain lyrics to popular songs and some may not be suitable for all ages.)

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  • Laser Light Night: Beatles, Michael Jackson, Daft Punk

    (General - Friday, March 14, 2025)

    Dome Laser Lights Generic Wb (3)

    Laser Light Nights are back at the DOME featuring an all new experience!

    Sit back, relax and rock out with our new laser light system from "the worldwide leader in planetarium laser light shows," Laser Fantasy! Experience the full 3D excitement! The system features a graphics laser projector with special effects, a haze machine & a new beam projector, plus a fresh playlist of 20+ performances, from Beyoncé to The Beatles! Pick up show-enhancing spectrum glasses and refreshments at concessions!


    March 14, 2025
    6:00 – Laser Beatles
    7:15 – Laser Michael Jackson
    8:30 – Laser Daft Punk

    $5 Visionary Society Members | $7 Members | $10 Public

    Buy tickets online now click here.
    Tickets & more info also available at the Museum or by phone at 309.686.7000.

    (Note: These shows contain lyrics to popular songs and some may not be suitable for all ages.)

    This program is presented by Sun Collectors with additional support from the Visionary Society and the Planetarium and Science Club.

  • Interplanetary 5K Race

    (General - Saturday, April 5, 2025)

    Dome Interplanetary5 K Wb 25

    Run the Planets!

    Register here!

    Interplanetary 5K Race + 1 Mile Fitness Walk

    April 5, 2025

    Register by March 7 to guarantee a shirt!
    • A family oriented race/walk for participants of all ages. 5K Race for all ages,  1 Mile Fitness Walk,  1/2 Mile Kids' Fun Run
    • Walk or run through portions of the Central Illinois Community Solar System, the world's most complete large scale model of the Solar System
    • Participants will follow the routes of interplanetary explorers through the Solar System, from the Sun - past Mercury, Venus, and Earth - to Mars and back along the Riverfront Trail
    • It's athletic, it's educational, it's fun... for the whole family!


    Packet Pickup: Friday, April 4, from 12:30-5:30 PM, and race day starting at 7:30 AM, in the museum's auditorium on the lower level.

    April 5, 2025:
    • 7:30-8:30 am: Race day registration; packet pickup
    • 9 am: 5K Race start
    • 9:05 am: 1 Mile Fitness Walk start
    • 9:30 am: Kids' 1/2 Mile Fun Run start
    • Refreshments after 5K race; awards after the Kids' Fun Run

    Participants can choose to receive a race shirt, or skip it for a discount on registration. Must register by March 7 to guarantee a shirt.


    • 5K Race (3.1 miles): $25 ($30 race day), without shirt: $20 ($25 race day)
    • 1 Mile Fitness Walk: $20 ($25 race day), without shirt: $15 ($20 race day)
    • Kids' Fun Run: $15 (includes Terry the Tractor book), without shirt: $10
    • Make checks payable to "Peoria Riverfront Museum"


    Register here!

    The Interplanetary 5K is sponsored by the Rucker Family and the Visionary Society

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