May 18 - September 30

11:30 am - Perfect Little Planet (NOT Sundays )
  1:00 pm - Supermassive Black Holes: Uncovering the Invisible (new show! )
  2:00 pm - The Sky Tonight (live)
  3:00 pm - Tour the Universe (live) (From Earth to the Universe on Aug 7, 14, 21, 28)
  4:00 pm - Living Worlds (ONLY Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays )


Living Worlds

Explore how scientists are working to detect life from light-years away. (recorded show, 30 min) TRAILER

The Sky Tonight  (live)

Hop through constellations, learn cool star names, and discover where the moon and planets will be in the sky tonight in this live presentation. (live show, 30 min)

Tour the Universe (live)

We'll turn the planetarium into a pretend spaceship and try to take you wherever you'd like to go... (live show, 30 min)

Perfect Little Planet

Follow a pretend family across the Solar System as they look for the perfect planet to vacation on. (recorded show, 30 min) TRAILER

Supermassive Black Holes (new show!)

State-of-the-art observations and numerical simulations shed light on the physics of black hole formation in the context of galaxy evolution. (recorded show, 30 min) TRAILER

From Earth to the Universe

This stunning voyage through space and time conveys, through sparkling sights and sounds, the Universe as revealed to us by science. (recorded show, 30 min) TRAILER

These programs are presented by Sun Collectors with additional support from the Visionary Society and the Planetarium and Science Club.