Total Solar Eclipse

Museum Conversations: One Sky, One World


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Museum Conversations: One Sky, One World

FREE Lecture by Dave Weinrich

Sunday, May 12 | 1 PM 

In the Giant Screen Theater 

We are connected to the stars in a very literal sense when we look at the night sky. We sense something bigger than ourselves and gain new perspectives of the cosmos, the Earth and each other. We are fellow inhabitants, with more similarities than differences, living on this beautiful blue planet in an amazing universe.

Dave Weinrich

Dave was born in Wabasha and grew up on farms around south-east Minnesota, eventually graduating from Wabasha Public High School in 1970. During his teenage years, he fell in love with the Universe, which ignited a lifelong interest in astronomy.
While teaching secondary science in Iowa, he began to travel the world. That led to four years in the Peace Corps, where he served in Liberia and Ghana. Dave was the planetarium director at Minnesota State University Moorhead for thirty-one years. He has traveled to over fifty countries and considers himself a “Citizen of the World.”
He currently is retired, lives in Nelson, Wisconsin and continues to share his passion for the stars.