*Pictured above - $10 price point discovery bag.
What is a Discovery Bag?
•The Discovery Bags are a pre-packaged souvenir bag from the Museum Store that offers your students the opportunity to take away a lasting memory from their visit to the Peoria Riverfront Museum.
•Discovery Bags are great solution for if your class doesn’t have time to stop into the store during your visit.
•There are four different price points to choose from, each containing products that reflect various areas of the museum ($2, $5, $7, $10).
How does the ordering process work?
•Download a copy of the Discovery Bag order form, print copies for your class and send them home with your students to receive orders.
•Once you have all the forms and payment from the students collected, send the final count of each type of bag to Rachael McArdle, Museum Store Manager, no less than a week in advance.
•This enables us to assemble the bags and have them ready for you to pick up as you finish your field trip.
•The bags can be paid for in the Museum Store, or, if necessary, one check may be written for both the admission cost and the cost of the Discovery Bags.
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
•Any questions about the Discovery Bag process can be directed to our Museum Store Manager, Rachael McArdle. Call 309.863.3008 or email at rmcardle@peoriariverfrontmuseum.org
To download Discovery Bag order form, click here!