Exhibit 101 Objects Rev3.1

Draw Your Object! An Exhibition Art Contest


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Event Details

Exhibit 101 Objects Rev3.1

Draw Your Object! An Exhibition Art Contest

Humans collect objects throughout our lives that have a special meaning to us. We want to see and hear about your objects with a new draw contest! It’s simple, draw your favorite object using whatever materials you have available and tell us the object’s story in a paragraph or less. Ages 18 and under are eligible to enter.

Be inspired by our newest exhibition, “101 Treasures of the Peoria Riverfront Museum Permanent Collection”, and share an object that you hold dear!

All submissions are due by 11 pm Sunday, March 14, 2021*.

The contest will have one winner from each age group and an overall grand prize winner. Winners will be asked to bring their works into the Museum for display. All the pieces will be displayed at the Peoria Riverfront Museum.

For more info - click here.

To register online now - click here